Rights & Responsibilities
MTTI, Montessori Teacher Training Institute (“Course”), maintains it rights as an instruction of postsecondary education and expects the student to be responsible for the following:
In the area of academic programming:
- To enroll only out of your need and desire to learn rather than a wish to manipulate the course for other ends (e.g., getting a Certificate without growth or qualifying for financial aid because you’d rather not have a job).
- To be informed by reading the information disseminated in the Course.
- To take an active part in planning and executing your course of study within the context of stated requirements and existing institutional resources.
- To continually monitor your academic progress.
- To attend class and participate in other learning activities, come prepared, and complete assignments on time.
- To embrace the principle of academic honesty.
- To respect the freedom of our Staff to inquire, publish, and teach.
- To respect the facilities and property of the Course. This includes buildings such as our Palmetto Bay Montessori School and surrounding campuses.
In the area of finances:
- To be informed about the full cost, refund policies, and financial stability of the Course, by reading published statements on fees and policies and by consulting the Administrators if you have questions.
- To read and fully comprehend information packet before signing application and to keep a copy of all contracts and receipts.
- To report tuition costs completely and accurately.
- To satisfy obligations in the program in a timely fashion.
In the area of admissions:
- To be knowledgeable about other available courses and programs and assure yourself and the Course that your enrollment is based on an informed decision. Published information should be read. Students, former students, and Staff should be contacted and questioned about their level of satisfaction in their relationship to the Course, ethics, and general quality; and we expect students to do this with any other course/program they may be considering. MTTI Administration welcomes questions and suggestions.
- To represent yourself honestly in applying to the Course.
- To complete the application process promptly by submitting requested materials and fulfilling pre-training requirements.
Student Rights and Program Responsibilities
In order to preserve and protect the rights of students, the program makes a commitment to the following responsibilities:
In the area of academic programming:
- To emphasize quality.
- To award credit where and only where it is due.
- To maintain clear written policies for accepting credit from other institutions.
- To disclose accurate information about the acceptability of credit for this course to other institutions.
- To ensure fair and reasonable academic evaluation with grades and evaluations that are meaningful, timely, and based on quality of student performance; to maintain transcripts or records of grades properly; to guarantee confidentiality and student access to records.
- To award certifications when they are merited; to inform students regularly of their academic progress and award certifications after all stated requirements are satisfied.
- To provide adequate facilities and services to support academic goals.
- To offer quality instruction through Instructors who have appropriate training and expertise, are up-to-date in their fields, meet scheduled classes, come to class prepared, and are available to students outside of class.
- To describe Course requirements in clear, specific, and accurate terms, and in written form; to ensure that requirements are educationally meaningful.
- To notify students of unusual features of the Course that cannot be readily anticipated.
- To forego unconditional changes in requirements for students who have already enrolled in the Course.
- To offer coursework that is comparable to its catalog description.
- To embrace the principle of academic honesty.
- To publish causes for dismissal in clear and specific form; to dismiss a student only for appropriate cause and after due process.
In the area of advertising:
- To publish advertising that is accurate, reliable, up-to-date, and understandable.
In the area of finances:
- To inform students of the full cost of education.
- To inform potential students regarding financial aid.
- To employ published, fair, and accurate refund policies.
- To charge fair and reasonable fees for infractions (e.g., breaking equipment or non-return of library books).
- To make reasonable tuition increases and provide notice of such increases.
- To keep records of fees paid by each student.
- To inform students about financial instability in the event such a condition should exist.
In the area of admission:
- To make available written policies on admission.
- To give prospective students as complete and accurate picture of the Course as possible, encouraging them to visit the facility and talk with Staff and students.
- To maintain clear and specific policies on job placement services.
The MTTI Office has the following publications available as public information resources:
- AMS Teaching Opportunities
- AMS Affiliate Schools
- NAMTA Directory
- The Public School Montessorian, a list of public Montessori schools in the U.S.
Source: The MACTE Accreditation Handbook; Appendix
The essence of this statement comes from Fair Practices in Higher Education: Rights and Responsibilities for Students and their Colleges in a Period of Intensified Enrollments (Jossey-Bass, 1979), a report by the Carnegie Council on policy studies in higher education.