2020-2021 International Day of Peace

On September 21st, all Preschool classrooms joined together (virtually via Zoom) to celebrate the International Day of Peace.  The children and Teachers wore white - the color of peace.

Dr. McGhee stood near the Peace Pole at the Old Cutler Road Campus and spoke about the importance of PEACE.  Dr. McGhee shared how Maria Montessori passionately believed that education was a means for teaching peace and eliminating war.  At the core of Montessori education are the values:  Respect for Oneself, Respect for Others, and Respect for the Environment.  These values, taught at an early age, give children the knowledge and understanding of living a life in peace.  Dr. María Montessori’s work on education for peace was recognized internationally as she was nominated three times for the Nobel Peace Prize.

Dr. McGhee then read an excerpt from Maria Montessori’s essay written in 1932, “A Remedy for War: Thoughts on Peace and Education.”  The Peace Day Celebration concluded with all children joining together to sing “Peace is a World Smiling” while watching a beautiful slideshow of the song.